- Establish the intermediary organization in the evaluation by law organization as the independence legal person ,it concrete responsible for the scholarship work evaluate . 依法建立成果评价中介机构,中介机构为独立法人,具体负责学术成果的鉴定、评奖工作。
- An equity joint venture has better legal protection because it's an independent legal person. 股份式合资企业是独立法人,所以有更好的法律保护。
- Shenzhen TTW Travel Service is verified by Shenzhen Municipal Tourism Bureau and approved by Guangdong Province Tourism Bureau.It has the qulification of independent legal person. 公司业务范围:组织安排国内、省内以及出境观光旅游,同时为客人代办签证,预订国际、国内机票,预订酒店客房,旅游租车,负责接待,安排各种商务活动,承办大型会议等特殊专项旅游活动。
- The major disadvantage is that the legal protection for them is not as complete as for equity joint ventures, because a contractual joint venture may or may not be an independent legal person. 主要缺点是对它们的法律保护不如对股份制合资企业的那么完整,因为一个契约式合资企业可能是也可能不是一个独立法人。
- The major disadvantage is that the legal protection for them is not as complete as for equity joint ventures,because a contractual joint venture may or may not be an independent legal person. 主要缺点是对它们的法律保护不如对股份制合资企业的那么完整,因为一个契约式合资企业可能是也可能不是一个独立法人。
- Year yuan thermal technology, is an enterprise with an independent legal personality of private technology limited liability company. 创元热能科技,是一家具备独立企业法人资格的民营科技有限责任公司。
- Jiaxing company from the Department of Metallurgical Machinery Plant tool plant from restructuring, is now attached to Jiaxing, Zhejiang Kaji Investment Limited, an independent legal personality. 我公司系由嘉兴冶金机械厂工具分厂改制而来,现隶属浙江嘉兴嘉冶投资有限公司,具有独立法人资格。
- Whether qualification of legal person is held? 是否具有法人资格?
- Does a branch have the legal person status? 企业的分支机构具备法人资格吗?不具备。
- He is the legal person of our company. 他是我们公司的法人。
- possess independent legal personality 具有独立法人资格
- The system of holding the legal person responsible for projects. 健全项目法人责任制。
- Does a resident representative office have the legal person status? 常驻代表机构具备法人资格吗?不具备。
- An investment attractor may be a natural person or a legal person. 引资者可以是自然人,也可以是社会法人。
- Yes, but you must write the full name of the legal person. 可以,请将法人代表姓各写全。
- Only our market B is open to a foreign legal person. 只有我们的B股市场对境外法人开放。
- The trustee shall be a natural or a legal person with full civil capacity. 第二十四条受托人应当是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人。
- Who is a legal person rooting in DFM and serving the customers home and abroad. 现有员工840人,其中工程技术人员160人,高中级技术人员73人,高中级技师22人。
- To keep under review the establishment of an independent legal aid authority. 按时检讨成立独立法援机构的问题。